Database Entry: "Four Commons" "Four Gifts": The True Feelings of Drip Action, Warmth to the Bottom of One's Heart (47)
Destruction of the Family In-home Surveillance by 'Relatives'

"Four Commons" "Four Gifts": The True Feelings of Drip Action, Warmth to the Bottom of One's Heart (47)

February 22, 2018
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“At our ‘relative’s home, we gift them the spirit of the 19th Party Congress, preach the Party’s policies, and gift the warmth of the Party and civilization deep into the heart of the masses…We eat, live, study, and work together. We aren’t a family, but are as close as a family…Let Uncle have a look to see if you’ve done your winter recess homework correctly…Come here, child. Before eating you must remember to wash your hands”







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