Database Entry: Nazirbagh Township Warmth to the Bottom of the Heart "A Warm Spring Festival--Love Moves Forward" Spring Festival's Condolence Activities Begin!"
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Nazirbagh Township Warmth to the Bottom of the Heart "A Warm Spring Festival--Love Moves Forward" Spring Festival's Condolence Activities Begin!"

February 12, 2021
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“‘Spring Festival is a traditional holiday of the Chinese Nation, in order for everyone to have a jolly, unified, and auspicious holiday, with the strong support of the Autonomous Region Women’s Federation, “Visit the People, Benefit the People, Bring Together the Hearts of the People” work teams have bought 40 tons of coal and 150 units of rice, flour and oil specially for the village’s poor.

Musajan Sawut excitedly said, “[I’m] thankful for the party’s organization, the fatherland, the work teams when on holidays they
‘send warmth’ and ‘send happiness.’“…

‘A little to the left, move it up a little, to the right, higher yet again…’ in the sound of laughter work team members and cadres work together to hang red new year’s couplets and large ‘happiness” characters above Ablajan Musajan’s main door. Ablajan Musajan happily said, ‘pasting new year’s couplets and hanging lanterns, the home instantly becomes festive.’”


听,前进村第一书记送祝福了! 第一书记、工作队队长马俊萍向村民们送上了热情洋溢的新春祝福。她说:“过去的一年是极为不平凡的一年,在各级党委政府的坚强领导下,工作队、村干部努力实干、辛勤付出,全体村民大力支持、积极配合,我们的脱贫攻坚、社会稳定、疫情防控等工作交出了漂亮的成绩单。2021年是中国共产党建党100周年,也是‘十四五’规划开局之年,随着乡村振兴的全面推进,我们村作为中心村,将通过人居环境整治、产业发展引导、文化润疆推进,全力打造宜居宜业宜游的美丽乡村。大家要鼓足干劲,加油干,努力干,绘就乡村振兴新画卷!”





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