Database Entry: [Three News] International Women's Day: Yeken's women Welcome the Holiday Like This
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[Three News] International Women's Day: Yeken's women Welcome the Holiday Like This

March 08, 2018
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With the national “Two Conferences” [National People’s Congress and the Chinese Political Consultative Conference] in session and “3/8” International Women’s Day, every village, township, and hamlet (community) in Yeken County focused closely on the “Three News” Activities–i.e., Advocating a New Lifestyle, Establishing a New Atmosphere, and Constructing a New Order–discussed unity, and promoted harmony. Under the spring sun of March [a time] when everything is renewed, various activities were carried out to celebrate March 8…

During the event, there were splendid song and dance [routines], catwalks, ‘carry daughters-in-law’ on your back obstacle courses, and 篮绳比赛 [not sure] competition to allow the women to experience to competition and gain confidence. [The] men prepared roses for their sweethearts…

The event also recognized “good mothers-in-law,” “good daughters-in-law,” “beautiful spaces,” “the most beautiful and loving mother,” “the most beautiful and filial daughters-in-law, “the most beautiful and rich women,” “the most beautiful and fashionable women,” and “the most beautiful housekeeper” with certificates of honor.

在全国“两会” 召开期间,“三八”国际妇女节之际,莎车县各乡镇、村(社区)、驻村工作队紧紧围绕“三新”活动,倡导新时尚、树立新气象、建立新秩序,讲团结、促和谐的社会局面,在阳春三月,万象更新的日子里,开展了形式多样的“庆三八”活动…



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