Datenbankeintrag: "Ethnic Unity One Family, Edition 246: Yeken Not Only has A Good Scenery, It Also has 'Relatives' who Love Each Other"
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"Ethnic Unity One Family, Edition 246: Yeken Not Only has A Good Scenery, It Also has 'Relatives' who Love Each Other"

September 03, 2017
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Prior to the holiday, 124 police officers from the XUAR Public Security Bureau came to Yeken County Ailixihu Township Gelabagh Village to exchange feelings and celebrate the holiday with relatives.

Home-visitation police and the masses of #6 village wrote and directed a cultural performance. [Its] beautiful dances and passionate singing conveyed the enthusiasm and sincerity of the masses. When the atmosphere reached its climax, the police and villagers began a joyful meshrep.

After the cultural performance concluded, interesting sports immediately began. During the tug-of-war contest, the home-visitation polices and relatives were eager to battle and itching to try. With the sound of a whistle, the competition of power officially began…

During the three-legged race, police officers and relatives were paired together and made concerted efforts; as they heard the “jia you” cheers, [the teams] gathered strength and enhanced unity.



文艺表演刚刚结束,趣味运动马上开始,在拔河比赛场上,探亲民警和结对亲戚摩拳擦掌、跃跃欲试,随着一声哨响,力量的角逐正式开始。在篮球友谊赛中,双方队员你来我往,胯下运球、飞身盖帽、远投三分球……一系列精彩动作,扣人心弦,博得了声声喝彩、阵阵掌声。在绑脚跑比赛中,民警和亲戚们互相配合,齐心协力,在加油呐喊声中,汇 聚力量,增进团结。比赛在紧张激烈的角逐中结束,工作队和村干部为获胜群众颁发奖品。

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