Datenbankeintrag: Ethnic Unity One Family: I Celebrate New Year with [my] Relatives

Ethnic Unity One Family: I Celebrate New Year with [my] Relatives

February 20, 2018
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During Spring Festival in order to actively respond to the autonomous prefecture’s [Qizilsu] request for a new round of ethnic unity ‘familial [ties] week’ activity requirement, on February 16, Li Chengliang, party secretary and president of the Qizilsu branch of the Agricultural Bank of China, led the second branch of “family” cadres to Tashpukshika Village in Shangatushi Township. [There, he] carried out the “four commons, three gifts” activity. Upon arriving at the “families’” homes, he immediately put up New Year’s couplets, hung lanterns, swept the courtyards, and gifted “happiness” characters with the [Uyghur] families…

Li Chengliang took it upon himself to prepare jiaozi fillings for the families and allowed them to taste his culinary craft.

值此新春佳节之际,为积极响应自治州关于开展新一轮民族团结“结亲周”活动要求,2月16日大年初一,农行克孜勒苏分行党委书记、行长李成亮带领第二批结亲干部赴上阿图什镇塔什普什喀村深入开展“四同三送”活动。到达亲戚家中李成亮立刻与亲戚一起开始贴春联、挂灯笼、打扫庭院、送祝福,为亲戚送上特意准备的过节礼物,在一片欢声笑语中,彼此送让新年祝福,欢度幸福团圆的春节。 图为帮亲戚贴完春联后李成亮说春节是一个注重团圆的节日,和亲戚们共同合影,留下团圆幸福的美好瞬间。


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