Datenbankeintrag: I Bring Honor to the Party Flag (21)
Internierung Überwachung zuhause durch „Angehörige“

I Bring Honor to the Party Flag (21)

October 26, 2017
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First, it is important for the “immersion” cadres to carry out good work for the “three types people” [i.e. sentenced, detained, or re-educated] families, especially investigating work for those three types people families that experience extreme difficulties.

[The team] had face-to-face exchanges with individuals from #7 village, had heart-to-heart communication, and diligently understood the basic situation of “three types people” families. We patiently preached the content of the “six clears”, explained the Party’s policies, and explained that the party is carrying out “concentration education” from a place to help and save…




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