Datenbankeintrag: Integrating soldiers on the Ground hand by hand: Ethnic Unity As One Family

Integrating soldiers on the Ground hand by hand: Ethnic Unity As One Family

May 22, 2017
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On May 20, the Sixth Company Party Branch and “Visit the People, Benefit the People, Bring Together the Hearts of the People” Work Team brought two dance tropes and 30 cases of beer to Nur Township Yalghuzbagh village to hold a solidarity activity…

During the event Yalghuzbagh village prepared peanuts and sunflower seeds to entertain. As everyone ate, there was a trivia contest and reviews of the 27 musts and 75 manifestations of illegal religious activities. Everyone enthusiastically chimed in, raised their hands one after another, and applauded [which made for] a lively scene.

5月20日,一牧场六连党支部同“访惠聚”工作队,带领2支舞蹈队,30箱啤酒,来到奴尔乡亚勒古孜巴格村举行联谊活动。 为更好地促进民族团结和兵地融合,让六连和奴尔乡亚勒古孜巴格村增进感情,使民族团结教育月活动开展的有声有色,六连党支部会同“访惠聚”工作队一起,组织职工宣传队练习舞蹈数10天,主动交好前往联欢。亚勒古孜巴格村党支部书记热情地接待了我们。联谊活动中,亚勒古孜巴格村准备了花生瓜子招待了我们 ,大家吃着的同时,组织了有奖抢答,温习了27个必报、非法宗教活动的75种表现形式,大家踊跃发言,纷纷举手,掌声不断,场面活跃。亚勒古孜巴格村文艺队为我们表演了精彩的歌舞节目,伴着优美的歌声,大家跳起了欢快的舞蹈,把气氛引向了高潮。最后,亚勒古孜巴格村党支部书记和六连及“访惠聚”工作队领导就近期生产中共用一渠水问题以及今后将继续开展的兵地活动进行交流。活动不仅拉近了我们之间的感情,也促进了民族团结,在热烈的气氛中结束。

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